Hi, I'm Nick Keddie

I used to love archeology as a kid: Egyptology, National Geographics, the Maya, even the highly debated National Treasure movies. In my adult life, I have become an archaeologist of cool ideas. What does that mean? Well, it means I spend my days reading books, those that came out last week to those written over 500 years ago. I do the same with academic papers. These texts contain clues, which I follow, and learn things about how to live. These lessons help inform my writing and my working life.

My dad went to art school, so I grew up making art as a kid. That’s how I got into graphic design. I also spend a lot of my working time in business development roles. I love the strategy side of business and all the people you meet in BD roles. This is pretty nerdy, but I get a rush from connecting something I read in a book to the real world. They are like cheat codes for real life!

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the site!

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